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The video is downloaded and viewed in the highest definition, the close-up revealing every pore and follicle on ellen’s skin as she squirms beneath her partner david. Her hair is tied back, but clings to her neck from sweat. Her skin is flush, and her lips puffy and parted breathy moans escape her ruby-red lips. Her eyes are closed, but her brow is furrowed and her nostrils flare, her tongue darting out to lick her lips, her hands clutching at the sheets beneath her. The video is downloaded and viewed in the highest definition, the close-up revealing every pore and follicle on ellen’s skin as she squirms beneath her partner david. Her hair is tied back, but clings to her neck from sweat. Her skin is flush, and her lips puffy and parted breathy moans escape her ruby-red lips. Her eyes are closed, but her The light of the computer screen, the bright streaming colors of the video, the slow rotation of the camera. The colorful lights and flashing screens fade in and out with rotation of the tube’s display. The sound of squealing tires and bouncing nude bodies bounces off the walls as a car races behind the tube, the driver’s face contorted in erotic ecstasy.

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